Wyre Lodge of Mark Master Masons. No.354
Fleetwood Masonic Hall, The Esplanade, Fleetwood
Installation Meeting. Wednesday 18th April 2018
Well there it was gone (nearly) this year’s last Team Visit before the Provincial Grand Lodge on the 24th April, there is of course one more for the old guard the following week as is traditional. Lovely afternoon set off early as usual the old Opel refused to come out of his home on two counts, doesn’t like the sun and not had a wash for four weeks, he’s getting worse, luckily the Fiat appeared on the drive just in time, is it ok to take the car I asked gingerly, yes but you’ve guessed it, it needs petrol!!  Off to Costco fill up, set off, up the ramp on to M60 no problem, on to M61 no problem, next it was M55 again no problem all the way, come off and follow the A585 all the way to the Esplanade and Fleetwood Masonic Hall, now I’m usually early but this time nearly 3 hours!! Oh I forgot to mention I nearly went down the tram lines, how confusing is that layout as you get closer to the Hall!
The Hall.
The Hall Lobby
Above and Below View from The Mount adjacent to the Hall
Went to the hall to find the very hard working Jimmy Rogers helping to lay the tables for the Festive Board, he never stops! After dropping off my case went for a nice walk, well a nice limp due to the Op' I had last Thursday, into a very pleasant park close by called The Mount, I sat on a bench with a lovely view of the sea scape complete with a passing ferry, the birds were singing, the sun was out, if you didn’t know better you could be fooled into thinking we were going to have a summer. About half an hour later I spied the Provincial Tyler, Ernie Gavan climbing out of a van, now this I haven’t seen before but it made no difference he was soon unloading all the equipment which he cares for and transports to all the Team visits.
Ernie struggling with his equipment.
The dining room is prepared
W.Bro.Jimmy Rogers always working
I made my way back to the hall to have my usual mooch around and take some photographs and in no time at all Lodge members and Prov Team members began to arrive, the one and only Prov DC Dave Emmerson assisted by his Asst DC’s began to plot out the Acting officers who would be required for the meeting and then it was practice time. Once the DC was happy he told them not to wander too far and of course not to commit the unwritten rule “Do not leave your wands in the Lodge” on pain of having to buy the DC a pint.
The Cozy Bar
346.    The Lodge Room Prepares
The view from the SW Wicket
From the outside there doesn’t seem to be anything special about the Hall its next but one to the end of a row of large terraced houses, however once inside I find it a delight, a warm friendly well kept building, on the ground floor there’s a bright hallway, an excellent dining room and separate cosy bar, two Lodge rooms and plenty of storage are located on the first floor, the stairway to them is complete with a chair lift for those who may need it. The main Lodge room is of a real good size with three carved Principal Chairs, a large table for the hard working Secretary and Treasurer, a first class floor carpet and framed miniature banners of all the Lodges who meet at Fleetwood. The other Lodge room is much smaller and looks more businesslike, there was a committee meeting taking place on this evening as it happened but it is more than capable of holding a reasonable sized Lodge meeting.  All in all if you haven’t been to Fleetwood’s Hall it is well worth a visit.
The Hard working Secretary & Treasurer
Lets do it this way, the DC doesn’t look convinced
The Banner Plaque
The time was waning fast and before too long the Lodge was opened on time at 6pm, quite a few housekeeping items were dealt with and following on from item six, any other business, the WM asked can we close now!! (He was only joking of course) this is the Mark Degree and it set the tone for the evening which is always Happy and Friendly.
The PGM & John “I Hope this is right”
I'd best study this list again
The Imaculate Prov DC
The RW PGM Bro Keith Alan Beardmore then entered the Lodge accompanied by Acting Grand and Provincial Grand Officers, he was welcomed by the WM Bro. Joe O’Brien and as is his right he was offered the gavel which on this occasion he said he would accept for a short time so that he may introduce all the officers who had attended with him on this special occasion.  On handing back the gavel (which he never likes to keep for too long) the WM thanked all the officers and members of his lodge for their support during the past year then went on to conduct an excellent Installation Ceremony and due to the special circumstances was assisted in fine style by W.Bro.Tony Blundell his good friend the WM from Cleveleys Mark Lodge, together Bro. David Britton the Master Elect was placed in the chair of Adoniram in a truly elegant manner and according to ancient traditions. The Keystone Jewel was presented and explained by VW Bro. Stephen Leach PGSO, the address to the WM was given by W.Bro. D. John Forster, the PGM’s Special Representative for the Fylde Coast. The officers for the coming year were then presented and invested, the address to the Wardens was given by the Prov Senior Warden, W.Bro. S. L. Boyd the  address to the Overseers was given by the Prov Junior Warden W.Bro. V. H. Norris and last but not least the really lovely address to all present which I always find a delight was given by our RW.PGM Keith Beardmore who then proceeded to give his personal  congratulations to the newly installed WM, who in turn was happy to present a cheque on behalf of the Lodge for the splendid sum of £300 for the West Lancs Mark Charity.
Practice Time
Ditto Happy as Always
The WM & Master Elect
The time had arrived for the PGM to retire from the Lodge accompanied once again by Acting Grand and Prov Grand Officers, what a difference it makes to have a wonderful musician in attendance, Shaun Haynes the Prov Organist who attends most meetings, the rest of the summons items were dealt with, one of which was a proposal for a new Candidate, let’s hope they get many more. A quick photo shoot followed as is usual and I met a really pleasant man W.Bro.Bob Boal whom I believe does photos and reports for that other degree, (and Ours Webman), a nice guy.
I Think I’ll get away with it
A Friendly Chat
The WM is ready
Off we went to charge our glasses in the welcoming bar there was a great buzz in the air and happy chat about the Ceremony we had just witnessed, places were taken up in the dining room for the Festive Board, I was sat next to one of my favourite people the Prov Tyler Ernie Gavan who tonight was in fact unusually drinking lager, as everyone knows he transports all the hardware for the Prov Team Meetings and is usually driving, not tonight his good friend had brought him in what Ernie described a very strange yellow van, you just can’t help some people, it was all in good fun.
The Master Elect trying the chair for size
Group Shot
And Again
An excellent meal followed including a glass of wine which everyone present enjoyed served up by very efficient and friendly staff. The usual Toasts and responses followed some of which unfortunately I missed due to the fact that I was in considerable pain from the Op last week, but you can’t keep a good man down.  As I set of I had my fingers crossed that the M55 would be open as last time I left Fleetwood three yellow coats seemed highly delighted to be standing there with their little lights shouting Closed, and I finished up in the middle of Preston!!
DC please stand to receive the WM & PGM
Evening from the Hall Door
And Again
PGM Toasts WM
Well as you would expect from my trips that’s not quite the end of the story, everything was going great, M55 on to the M6 on to the M60 next on to my motorway M61, 10 minutes from home, my legs really hurting now,  No Closed carry on the only road available left towards Leeds, ah, ok I thought I’ll get off at Prestwich and work my way through Salford, No Closed four men sat in a cabin, no work activity whatsoever, you can guess what I thought about that, I had to go all the way round on the ring road, an extra 25 minutes!! 
Asst PGM, Dep PGM & PGM
Special Rep & Asst PGM
Ah well here’s to the next meeting which as it happens is the Provincial Grand Lodge at Southport on Tuesday, what a great event this is and I know that I shall definitely meet old friends I know and some I have yet to meet.
Prov SW & JW
Festive Board in full swing
Prov Organist
Ernie I’m ready for this
If you’re not yet in the Royal Ark Mariner Degree now’s your chance to see the unique highly colourful regalia as the Worshipful Commanders parade into the meeting.
See You All There!
Mark Well
See Bob Boals Behind the Lens Article here
Words and pictures by Austin N Fletcher.
Flixton Shepherd Eastwood. No.1173 & Chorlton RAM No.394